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Partner Email
Type Of Partner
Partner Since 01-Jan-1970
Total Number of trainings completed (All Programs)
Total number of training centers (All Programs) 0
Sanctioned Amount 0
Date of First Disbursement

All Training Programmes (since the date of agreement)

Training Completed

Placement Achieved

Top 5 Sectors


Training completed Vs Placement Achieved

Business Model
Training Delivery Mode Center Facility Type Type Of Training Center Training Model Revenue Source Trainee Target Segment
Assessment Model
Type Of Assessment

NSDC Fee Based Programs
Overall performance
Year on year achievement
FY Training Placement
As per SDMS E-learning Corporate Domestic International
Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0
Sector and trainer
Sector Name No. of Trainers (Full-time)* No. of Trainers (Part-time)* Average Experince of a trainer* Name of Certificate(s)
Fee Based Center Across India
State District(Total Centers) Sector
Other Schemes/Programs
Scheme Name Trainings completed till date Placement % achieved Number of operational centers (Fixed) Number of operational centers (Mobile Centers) Average Capacity of Fixed Training Center(s) Average Capacity of Mobile Training Center(s) Number of Trainers (Full Time) Number of Trainers (Part Time )
Data yet to be provided by the TP
Key Achievement / Awards
Skill Impact

Industry Partners
The source of displayed information is Self-declared by Training Partner. It is not verified and NSDC does not assume any kind of responsibility or liability for the same. You are advised to check the accuracy and completeness of such information and data before relying thereon or taking any action on its basis.

Last updated on: 01-Jan-1970